Personal Brand Photography

Marketing your business has changed so much over the past year or so. As a small business owner, I have experienced it first hand. Your social media profile is key and the more you post, the more likely your posts will be shown to your audience. The more personal the posts the better. As Seth Godin, the author of 'This is marketing' says:  "Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell." A good marketing strategy is a continuous story of you as a person and entrepreneur. It is all about why you do something and not really about what you do. Your personality needs to shine through all your communication.

If you are like me and do not want to spend half your life running your business on social media, you might be interested in the new packages that I am introducing.

How does it sound if I could offer you your Social Media photos for the next 3 months (considering you are posting one post a day)? These photos are personal, represent you and your brand? All that is left to do for you is to schedule your posts for the next 3 months and you can put up your feet and binge-watch some Netflix series or have a work-free weekend with the family. Feel free to send me a message if you would like any more information.

What makes it even better is that this package will be eligible for the Trading Online voucher  scheme.

For more information, check:


Guest Post: My Personal Branding Photography Session with Janssen Photography